Adding chat auto triggers to your workflow

Adding chat auto triggers to your workflow

Auto triggers can help you make sure that all chats are handled on time and by the right member(s) of your team.

To set up a new auto trigger:

  1. Go to Settings > Service and toggle the top ribbon to Auto Triggers.
  2. Click Add New Trigger in the upper right corner.
  3. Enter a Trigger Name that makes it clear what your trigger does.
  4. If desired, write a Description to further clarify the purpose of the trigger.
  5. Select which of your Channels will include this trigger.
  6. Under Trigger Conditions, create the requirements for your trigger:
    • You can create a combination of conditions (select All of the following conditions) or a list of alternative conditions (select One or more of the following conditions).
    • Under Condition 1, choose your first condition from the list of options. Click Add additional condition as needed to build your scenario(s).
  7. Under Trigger Action, select what will occur when the condition(s) are met. Add your actions in chronological order, clicking Add next action as needed.
  8. Click Save. Your auto trigger will appear in the list.

Click any trigger in the Auto Triggers list to edit it.

To create a new trigger that is similar to an existing one, find the old trigger in your Auto Triggers list. Click to open it, then click Duplicate at the bottom of the trigger details panel. Then, simply rename and edit the new trigger.

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