When using Breadstack, 3 types of notifications that will be sent to Breadstack’s users/ Storefront customers:
In-app notifications.
These notifications can be triggered via various events when users do business with Breadstack or when the customer navigates through the Storefront.
This is a shared behavior regardless of the choice for fulfillment.
In addition, Breadstack's user also receives an In-app notification to notify that a new order has been placed. This is triggered if an order has been placed with the following fulfillment options:
CanFleet Delivery.
OnFleet Delivery.
Local Pickup.
Curbside Pickup.
For the Dispensary segment, payment needs to be made before the order can be processed further. Once the payment has been received, an email is sent to the customer to confirm that the payment has been received and the order is in line for processing.
This behaviour is also common behavior regardless of fulfilment's choice.
Once the order is ready to be transferred to a third-party service. Staff generates a waybill for the order.
For In-Store pickup orders, customers may choose to make the payment when picking up the items (Cash On Delivery payment). In this case, the order must be processed before the payment.
After the items are ready for pickup, Staff can notify the customer via Breadstack.
When an order is being processed on Breadstack Delivery, there are various stages in which the customer receives both an Email and an SMS notification so he/she can keep track of the delivery status.
When payment has been made, Staff can mark the order as Item ready from Breadstack creating a delivery task on Breadstack Delivery. The customer is notified when the task has been created on Breadstack Delivery.
When the task is assigned to a Driver on CanFleet. An SMS is sent to the customer letting him/her know that the order is being prepared for delivery.
When Driver has arrives at the pickup point and retrieved the package. Driver takes photo of the package and mark the pickup as Complete.
When the Driver begins to deliver the package. He/she marks it via the CanFleet Driver app. Another SMS and Email is sent to the customer.
When the Driver is within a 2-kilometre radius from the shipping address. An SMS message: “Your order will arrive very soon. Check your driver’s estimated arrival time here: [tracking link]” is sent to the customer so he/she can prepare to receive the package or be aware.
When Drive has arrived at the shipping destination and dropped off the package, he/she marks it on the CanFleet Driver app again. The final SMS and Email is sent to confirm the delivery.