Sending or receiving attachments in a chat

Sending or receiving attachments in a chat

You can easily share information with customers by attaching a picture, a document, or another file type to the chat. Likewise, customers can send you pictures or files as attachments. 

Here's how to send customers attachments, and what to expect when customers send them to you.

Sending an attachment to a customer

To attach a file, click the paperclip icon at the right of the chat text field, select the file you want to send, and click Send File. Your file will immediately be sent.

Note that your file will be sent as its own message. If you have typed text into the chat field, it will not be sent along with the file.

Screenshot ChatSO attach file button

The customer receives the attachment as a message and can click to preview it. See an example of the customer view below.

Screenshot ChatSO attach file customer view-1

Receiving an attachment from a customer

Customers can send you files by attaching them using the paperclip icon at the bottom of the chat window.

If you receive a file from a customer, it will appear as a stand-alone message showing a thumbnail or icon. Click on it to view or download.

Screenshot ChatSO customer attached file


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