Segment your customer list according to customers' purchasing behaviour or demographic characteristics.

This article is about filtering customer lists for business analysis.
To learn how to look up individual customers for service purposes, see our instructions on finding a specific customer.In this article, you'll learn about:
Using the customer filters
In Customers > All Customers, you'll see a list of all your store's registered customers.
At the top of the list, there are a number of filter fields. These filters match the column headers of the customer list. This means you can either:
- Search for customers who match specific criteria by opening Show Filters, typing values into the filter fields, and clicking Apply Filter.

- Sort the customer list according to a specific filter by clicking on a column header. Clicking once will sort the list in descending order; click again to sort in ascending order.
Tip: If you regularly use a certain combination of filters, try saving your search so you can apply them again quickly when needed.You can also export search results to a .CSV file.
Types of customer filters
The customer filters are organized into two categories:
- Customer Activity & Behaviour filters relate to customers' shopping behaviour.
- Customer Info filters include basic personal contact, account, and address details.
Why use customer filters?
Customer filters can help you create targeted marketing and sales campaigns, which you can then carry out using Breadstack's emailer tool.
Here are just three examples.
Target your campaigns to a relevant customer segment
Let's say BC Day is coming up. This is a great opportunity for a promotion event to generate business - but it's only relevant to your BC-based customers.
Use the State/Prov field to filter for customers living in BC, then send them a "Happy BC Day!" email with a special offer.
Find the right customer base for a specific product
Imagine that your store has excess stock of a certain product, and it's moving too slowly.
Use the Product search field to search for customers who have previously purchased that product. Then, create a promotion that targets them with a personalized email and a product-specific discount.
Find ways to engage with high-value customers
If your store assigns loyalty points to customers, try sorting the customer list on the Points column to find customers with the highest point balance. Then, send them an email reminding them that they can apply their points toward their next purchase,
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